Lennon Training

Training the industry since 1991

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Std11 Surface Surf-F

2 day program for those new to the Queensland mining industry. Resource sector workers may be eligible for refresher (metalliferous, LNG, quarries, WA or NSW mining)

Coming Up Date & Venue:

Monday 6th January 2025

Venue - Emerald

Duration: 2 days 7:45am to 4:00pm


A$811.70 - First time for 6 units (no id card)
A$821.90 - First time for 6 units (id card)

Monday 6th January 2025 - Emerald

Tuesday 14th January 2025 - Emerald

Tuesday 14th January 2025 - TAFE Eagle Farm

Monday 20th January 2025 - Emerald

Tuesday 21st January 2025 - TAFE Eagle Farm

Tuesday 28th January 2025 - Emerald

Monday 3rd February 2025 - Emerald

Wednesday 12th February 2025 - Emerald

Tuesday 18th February 2025 - TAFE Eagle Farm

Tuesday 18th February 2025 - Emerald

Wednesday 26th February 2025 - Emerald

Monday 3rd March 2025 - Emerald

Tuesday 11th March 2025 - TAFE Eagle Farm

Wednesday 12th March 2025 - Emerald

Tuesday 18th March 2025 - TAFE Eagle Farm

Tuesday 18th March 2025 - Emerald

Wednesday 26th March 2025 - Emerald

Monday 31st March 2025 - Emerald

Wednesday 9th April 2025 - Emerald

Tuesday 15th April 2025 - Emerald

Tuesday 15th April 2025 - TAFE Eagle Farm

Tuesday 22nd April 2025 - Emerald

Monday 28th April 2025 - Emerald


Important Notice to Surface people: Section [s272a] of the Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999 states that a person under the age of 16 years is not permitted to operate or maintain plant

Standard 11 is a requirement for the Queensland Coal mines which is also to be refreshed every five (5) years.

Transferable skill evidence: participants will discuss their work skills with the Facilitator during Day 1. Those who have relevant experience from similar industries may be eligible for the full induction Statement of Attainment (SoA) at the end of their 2 days. Those with insufficient transferable skills (cleanskins) will receive a Statement of Completion (SoC) and be required to complete additional tasks in their work environment. This New Entrant Logbook is supplied during the course and is to be returned to Lennon's within 12 months of your course. Some minesites have been requiring the logbook to be done within 3 or 6 months so check this yourself.

If you have current or recent experience of working in the resource sector (in QLD, NSW or WA), talk to us about your eligibility to sit the refresher.

SoA certification is emailed 2-3 working days after payment and USI details are finalised.


These units from the RII Resources and Infrastructure Industry Training Package meet the Queensland Coal industry requirements for the Recognised Standard 11 Training in coal mines.

Transferable skills may get the SoA. Inexperienced/cleanskins may get the SoC with the logbook.

6 Units offered: RIICOM201E Communicate in the workplace; RIIGOV201E Comply with site work processes/procedures; RIIRIS201E Conduct local risk control; RIIERR205D Apply initial response First Aid; RIIERR302E Respond to local emergencies & incidents; RIIWHS201E Work safely & follow WHS policies & procedures.

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